Market Demand Assessment Reports
Market Demand Assessment Reports based on demand indications (non-binding)
MDAR BeLux (ZTP) - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Poland (E-Gas Transmission System) - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
Market Demand Assessment Reports without demand indications
MDAR PEG – Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Vorarlberg (Austria) - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Tirol (Austria) - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR East (Austria) - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Czech Republic - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Switzerland - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR TTF - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Denmark - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Polen (TGPS) – Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Russian Federation – Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
MDAR Norway - Trading Hub Europe (Germany)
The German transmission system operators publish market demand reports in accordance with Article 26(3) NC CAM to identify new transmission capacities to be created on the borders with neighbouring entry-exit systems.